As I mentioned this most recent Sunday, September is a good month for us as a church for an annual check up. We transition out of the busy summer months and into more regular routines and rhythms. Together we move into a new year in the life of this church as we celebrate our anniversary. Both of these transitions make for a good time to stop and ask two important reflection questions, (1) “How have I been doing in my devotion to the Lord and to His people and where do I need to grow in the next year?” and (2) “In what ways will I help contribute to the continuance of a faithful evangelical ministry in this church?”
From The Pastor’s Desk - July 2023
From The Pastor’s Desk - June 2023
June marks one year of having served on staff as one of your pastors and I am incredibly thankful for you, church. It has been a year filled with grace, deepened affections, and many answered prayers. Reflecting back, I’ve certainly made plenty of mistakes, learned valuable lessons, and identified areas in need of so much more growth. In all of this though, you have been gracious, kind, patient, and supportive. You all have continually displayed the character of God towards me (and the other elders!) and I want to thank you for that. It is truly a joy to serve you!
From The Pastor’s Desk - May 2023
I came across one of my favorite passages recently reading through Luke’s gospel. Walking along the road with His disciples, Jesus has a conversation with them about the cost of following Him. He tells them at the end of this conversation in Luke 9:62, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” I love this powerful illustration!
God's Word
Among our three areas of focus, the Word of God stands apart, as a bride stands apart from the bridal party. We believe that faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures cannot be a peripheral focus for HRF in 2023. But it does beg the question: Why should we put such an emphasis on the Word in a church that historically has held a high view of Scripture from the beginning? In a word: Jesus