HRF Students is a ministry for students in Grades 1 through Grade 12. Our mission is to make lifelong disciples of Jesus by bringing the joy and hope of the Gospel to life in the hearts of our youth.

Because we believe that Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, our hope is to partner with parents in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in both the evangelism and discipleship process.

The grade school years are an important stage of life for families and can present many challenges. We believe as a covenant community, we are to come alongside them by offering a variety of resources to help build a strong, gospel-centered foundation in our students and help them grow in deeper relationships with each other and most importantly, the Lord.

Our ministry includes:

  • Trained adult group leaders that have a heart for youth and foster biblical community, accountability, and relationships.

  • HRF Institutes, weekly class prior to service, to learn about God’s Word and its application to all areas of life.

  • Resourcing and blessing member initiated opportunities for discipleship.

  • Bible studies that are Gospel-centered and structured to help students learn how to read and understand the Bible for themselves.

  • Opportunities to put the Gospel to practice through projects that serve the community as well as members within our own church.

  • Resources and practical guidance to help equip parents with a biblical perspective and encouragement to persevere in the great calling of being a parent!

If you have questions or would like to receive more information please contact