On Sunday, March 9, 2025, we will be in The Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Paul will preach from Matthew 12:38-50.
Please read and pray over the text to prepare for Corporate Worship.
Join us Sunday, March 9th, for our ongoing series on suffering.
Here is the schedule for the next few weeks.
March 9 - The Future of Suffering and God’s Present Grief Over It
March 16 - Unbiblical Reactions to Suffering
March 23 - Fighting for the Faith (Practical Ways to Fight Suffering)
April 6 - Sharing Their Burdens (Helping Others Suffer)
April 13 - Suffering as Witness (How God Uses Our Suffering)
May 4 - Suffering for the Gospel (Persecution)
May 11 - Finding Contentment in Suffering
May 18 - Q&A + Practical Scenarios (Elder Led)
View the Catechism for the week of March 9, 2025.
View all upcoming events here.
PRM—Pray for those serving a meal and conducting a Chapel Service on Sunday, March 9th, from 3:30 PM to 6 PM. For more information, contact David Smallridge.
HRF MEN‘S BIBLE STUDY—Join the men on March 15th from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM for Bible study and fellowship. We hope to see you.
HRF MEMBERS’ MEETING - March 30th, from 3 PM to 5 PM in the Sanctuary.
SAVE THE DATE - Join us on April 27 from 4 PM - 5 PM for an evening of worship!