Week of August 11, 2024



Sunday, August 11, 2024. We will continue our series on the Ten Commandments. Pastor Paul will preach from Exodus 20:1-17. This week we will take a closer look at the seventh commandment.

“You shall not commit adultery”

We encourage you to prepare for Corporate Worship by reading and praying through the text before the message.


We will take a break from the HRF Institute Hour for the summer (August). The Fellowship Hall will be open for all to enjoy in gospel conversations.


Click here to view the Catechism for the week of August 11, 2024.


  1. HRF WOMEN‘S BIBLE STUDY - We're excited to invite you to join us in delving into the word of God through 1 Peter. You'll be inspired to stand strong in your faith through life's ups and downs. We meet the second Saturday of every month from 8:30AM to 10:00AM. You'll receive a packet with pre-work this Sunday to help you get ready. Can't wait to see you on August 10th!

  2. PRM - Pray for those who will serve a meal and conduct a Chapel Service on Sunday, August 11th from 3:30PM - 6PM. For more information, please see David Smallridge.

  3. HRF MEN’S BIBLE STUDY - The HRF Men's Bible Study is starting again this month on August 17 from 7AM to 8:30 AM. We're going to dive into 1 Peter with a 6-lesson study. We look forward to the fellowship and insights we will receive from one another. Hope to see you there!